public space greening initiative to make beautiful, functional and meaningful urban space inspired by love, us, here and Mother Earth


Si BLOMile Nje

13 March 2012

12 March 2012

unseen highlights from the Climate Train.

Occupy COP17. Durban

Mlazi, V section. Durban. Lovely energy activation.

Pietermaritzburg, serious guerilla gardening. Freeing the tree growing in the urban filth. and putting veggies in its place! change perception of space!!! we care.

 Our Peace Garden in Ladysmith. 'Community' here, we hope that this transforms your space and gives you trust for your people and yourself to creatie positive things in your world. It may be hard, and sometimes unimaginable, but We believe you are able to transform your lives, and in that transform your community. Create the possibility for you and the people that see you.
.... transplanting during the Protest at COP 17, Durban. no wasted space. when we see the opportunity. we PLANT!