public space greening initiative to make beautiful, functional and meaningful urban space inspired by love, us, here and Mother Earth


Si BLOMile Nje

16 November 2011

All Aboard the Climate Train

So now... after re-blogging those past events we can get to the NOW.


This has been one of the most amazing opportunities to do some serious Trans-Planting across of diverse and magical country.  If nobody knows about the Climate Train, I would like to give a little introduction to the train, the people, the concept, and the actions.

As part of the COPART team AMbush Gardening Collective, as well as some of the other wonderful creative eco-artists and social change makers are on board spreading messages on Climate Change, and inviting participants to be a part of re-imaging our relationship with the planet and all of Mother Earths gifts she has given us to live. what blessings. more than we can even imagine!

we are working with Indalo Yethu (Our Nature), an environmental agency formed after the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Joburg in 2002 (who knows anything about that ??? ). well... they were pretty much the only thing that came out of that International Summit, the 2nd one after the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 which began the process of trying to come to international agreements on global environmental problems etc (and where Kyoto discussions began).

And now here we are, nearly in 2012, when the Kyoto Protocol made by the UNFCCC, ratified in 2005 (I think it was COP6 I might be mistaken), officially comes to an end. COP17,  is now in South Africa. and will be taken place in Durban at the end of 2011. This is the 2nd last opportunity for any decision for a post-Kyoto treaty. and well... I dont think anyone is too ambitious about what will come out of this conference.  All we can hope is that nations, and particular those in the developing world maintain their integrity and continue to fight for climate justice in the face of this great political and economic gam.

Nobody in Soouth Africa seems to be aware of the gigantic nature of this conference, and many have never even heard of the term Climate Change. I guess i do understand that, but this is not only a 1st world problem (although in the 1st world it is a very important topic of discussion), as actually Africa, and South Africa standing out, will be one the worst hit places in the world due to changing climatic conditions. But... who wants to know about that... well... Im not sure...

Im more interested in learning about solutions. and am trying to learn from people who's daily actions allow them to survive in difficult conditions. Which is why, AMbush tries to bring the plants that we know have ecological relevenance and cultural symbolism, but try to acquire the information from people who have still got the knowledge of how to live differently, more humbly with the surrounding.

I am not totally sure how we can allow people to recognise the value in products, resources, knowledge, life. I am constantly being reminded on the fact that in our society we give so little value to the things we have...

but I feel that positive, interactive, creative, interventions and dialogues can bring some inspiration to seek that information. So here we go.

All aboard the Climate train!

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